Fear and eternity, are these not the two emotions that comprise the physically-minded man? Is his being not gripped by the fear of death, the fear of losing his reputation, the fear of losing his love?
And God, isn’t he his saving grace? What about himself, who has the potential to shine brightly into the lives of others, but so often does not even know of his own will. Such is the state of the physically-minded man.
And his friends, they are just like him. Simply looking out into the world, looking at what needs to be done. They base their self-worth on the tasks they do and the people they provide for, for what better is there to do and see?
Rare is the mental state of the physically-minded man healthy and vibrant, for his feelings are diminished in his perspective and his dreams shan’t be paid much attention to. Any subjectively rich experience is brought up as a passing thought, never to be taken seriously.
But why are they so revered? Why is this simple man so respected and familiar? Perhaps his willpower and determination to get it done even at the expense of his own well-being. His well-being, which he often consciously degrades for no other reason than that “it tastes good.”
Alas, the man who is so revered is also so destructive, so respected yet so detrimental to the earth. When will he learn and substantially change his ways? Never, for this is the curse of the physically-minded man.
And what of his wife and children? Do they stay because they wish to, or because they must? Often it is the latter, some women prefer even the sharpest and most painful of rocks to no rocks at all. They cling to security and survival at the expense of their well-being.
And yet, this man comes across those of sound mind, heart, and being? Why is this? Perhaps it’s because those who are subjectively rich use the physically-minded man as a means of survival, if for no other reason than to boost his ego and reinforce his beliefs. Perhaps it’s even done out of a sense of revenge for the damage he causes others, and the ignorance he spreads to everyone around him. Such is the interesting part of the physically-minded man’s life.
Once his job is complete he finds a new one. He does not sit around and wait, he’ll create things to do without even thinking about it. The endorphins in his system are what keep him from falling into the deep depths of depression that await him as a consequence of no insight. Such is the fear of the physically-minded man.
Terrible? Awful? Unneeded? Unwanted? Maybe all of these things and more. Poor mental hygiene? Bottomless insecurity? No hope for change and insight? Most likely. The low-vibrational state of the physically-minded man will most likely only end once he is dead, and those of the mind breathe a sigh of relief before our attention is turned to another, perhaps even worse, case to be consoled.
Is there any hope? Any way to avoid the consequences of their actions? Very little, since they are all around us. Raise them right, teach them all they ought to know as children, and they will retain it for the rest of their life. Such is the state of the physically-minded man. But once they are mature, look out and stand up for yourself against them, especially if you are healthy and pure of heart.
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