Lights, colors, feelings. Pictures, sounds, connections. Imagination in all of its glory.
Does everyone have the ability to see what’s in their mind? Hardly! Perhaps before, when times were simpler. If everyone had access to their mind we wouldn’t be in such a low-vibrational state, collectively speaking.
But, what about the other side of imagination? The darker side? My answer is, what is dark? Is it the color black, or red? Is it a certain act? And, why must imagination be bound by morality, imagination looks at the boundaries of morality with a fleeting glance as it continues to exist in its high-vibrational manner.
No! It is not childish. No! It is not feminine by nature. Imagination, what is it then? And how do we form these pictures in our minds? We can say that since psilocybin must enter our bodies before we go through the experience, perhaps other chemicals must be produced in our bodies before we experience imagination? Then, is this why it feels good to imagine things? Or is it simply my subjective preference?
But let’s compare the subjective preference to another; TV. I would much rather imagine than watch the TV stations because it feels better. This, I sense, is a preference many of us can benefit from adopting today.
Dreams. They are imagination’s fuel. They are the source. They are the daydreams we dream but on a much, much higher level. We’re immersed in them, we experience them as if we were the characters in our own story. What about it? Why does it feel so good to dream? What are we missing?
It is dreaming itself. Collectively valuing dreams and imagination is the answer, it’s the key to a new world and a better life.
But the ones who must see this are the ones who are the blindest to themselves. Ironic, this tragedy is. Perhaps history does not need to end this way if we force the blind to see.