Quick Facts
-Laughter is very good for us, and humor is an amazing form of positivity!
-Charm, humor, pleasure, and sexual vitality are all on the same vibrational plane of existence.
-One leads to the other very easily!
-Humor is one of the highest goods, and it’s fairly easy to cultivate and improve our skills at being funny, charming, etc.
Humor, the one feeling everyone knows and loves! Although there are many variations of humor they all lead to the same outcome – a burst of laughter while trying to remember where you left your car keys the night before.
Without really meaning too I’ve paid attention to humor and humorous people, and it seems to me that humor is one of the highest goods that can be achieved by mankind, sometimes even higher than… Dare I say it… Morality! We all instinctively know this but I’m going to write about it anyway because it feels good and because I want to.
Humor In Relation To Other Feelings
We experience a broad range of emotions in our lifetimes and some of them are… Not so pleasant. Have you ever felt afraid? Angry? Sad? Insecure? Have you ever felt cringy? Disgusted? And all the rest?
Yeah me too, and to be honest I prefer the positive emotions such as… Humor! But I’ve even gone so far as to compare humor to competence, confidence, unconditional love, authenticity, understanding, and other positive emotions that are all worth experiencing on a daily basis, and it seems to me that silliness and bouts of laughter are just as if not more important than anything I’ve mentioned above! I say it again because I can already hear the disagreements even though I’m typing this in Google Docs, “but you have to be serious! You need to be a doer! You can’t have fun all the time! You need to tend to your responsibilities!”
…But who says I can’t have a good time while I do my daily tasks?
A Highest Good? Why?
I may or may not remember taking psychedelics one day while I was in the city and experiencing “the cosmic giggle,” which is a voice (that comes out of nowhere, mind you) that sometimes laughs in a very pure sense. I thought to myself, “laughter is simply a ripple of positive energy! It’s positive energy expressing itself! I understand now!”
I realized that it isn’t just something that silly people do, or something that’s forced, or something that entertainers like to use to make money – it really is positive energy expressing itself, and that’s one reason why it’s a highest good.
Another reason is that it’s universally recognizable. I think that a highest good can be useful if other people receive it well, and that’s why humor can be right up there with conscious enlightenment and total understanding – these latter two are very subjective and difficult to share with others but humor is quite easy and fun to share with others, so even if it doesn’t directly lead to an expanded consciousness (which sometimes it does) it nonetheless brings people into a state of positivity.
Something else is that even if you possess other great traits such as confidence, competence, a large heart, lacking humor seems to be… Huge. Almost as if it’s the biggest piece of the puzzle. I’ve fallen into this before – I developed my personality to a great extent but left humor to watch from the sidelines, almost as if it was just a runner-up to things that weren’t as important, like seriousness. This is a big mistake, especially when it comes to relationships; one of the most fundamental things a relationship thrives off of is humor, and lacking it will make life quite boring and, certainly, not as fun.
How To Harness Humor
I can gladly say that I learned how to be humorous after starting from ground zero! I used to have absolutely no sense of humor when I was younger and then I came across this booklet. It’s $59.99 and it changed my life forever. Buy it now!
*Snickers a little bit.*
Naw I’m just kidding. Unfortunately, I can’t say it was simple, though – it actually took a lot of time and a lot of effort to break free from my past and develop the wit I have today.
At first, I had to “spin” everything and literally look for ways to find humor in everything. Eventually, I could rationalize exactly why everything was funny and the next step was to actually make other people laugh.
Confidence is its own energy, right? Well, humor is the same thing – it is its own energy! If you consciously choose to develop it and be in it like you would confidence or love, you’ll find it easy to be and seem witty, funny, and even intelligent! So I recommend feeling funny first and then being funny second – after all, there are tons of jokes on the internet that are just waiting for a funny person to come along and say them in a funny way 😉
The one takeaway I have for you is that no matter how funny you already are (or aren’t) you have the skill, time, and patience to develop it no matter where you’re at in life! Like I mentioned above, humor is a feeling, and choosing to feel it yourself will make it contagious to others as well.
Thank you so much for reading my article! I want you to say “I choose to feel funny” a couple of times before reading the next article 🙂
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