Quick Facts
-Psychedelics, psilocybin mushrooms, in particular, are very healthy for us! It’s for this reason that we should legalize and integrate them into our country as soon as possible!
-We can minimize the dangers of psychedelics by taking the necessary precautions!
Psychedelics have been a part of our history for longer than most of us think! The earliest evidence of usage we know of is 7,000-9,000 years old, and we have evidence that psychedelics have been steadily used in many different cultures around the world throughout these 9,000 years. Only recently has the law been trying to control our perception about these substances by making them illegal and talking bad about them.
So, we’ve been using them for 9,000 years and we’re still alive as a species? That alone should tell you something right there. Why is the law trying to cover them up? And what are they, exactly? Why am I writing a call to legalize and use them? Let’s answer these questions down below 🙂
What Psychedelics Are All About
Aight lemme say something:
Almost irregardless of the psychedelic it shows you what’s really happening. And, they can show you that what’s happening is meaningful in and of itself!
I make this call because (especially in the case of substances that are naturally psychedelic such as psilocybin mushrooms, DMT, etc) our quality of life was much higher when we were ingesting them many millennia ago. We stopped, and now we’ve turned into… this. And yes, it’s because we stopped, it’s not just a coincidence :p
They’re all about opening your mind and giving you the opportunity to do so many things… To see and feel so many things… They really make our quality of life shoot right through the roof, so much so that it’s impossible to capture the entirety of it and put it into words, and so much so that too many of us are chronically suffering as a result of abstaining from them.
Why They’re Illegal and Talked Down Upon
Let’s say you want total control and that you’re willing to obtain and maintain it at any cost. You get into government, start at the bottom, and work your way to the top… The very top. (I understand this is unrealistic but bear with me.) You’re part of the elite and you have the power to do anything. What would you do?
Well since you want total control and since you’re willing to obtain and retain it at any cost you’d subtly control what the TV stations can or cannot play, and what the movies/shows can or cannot say. You’d put regulations on corporations so that they have to pay you and follow your rules just so they can stay in business. You’d control what the public school system teaches children. You’d be constantly attempting mind-control experiments to see which ones are the most effective.
And, you’d be searching for and eliminating any possible threats that threaten to remove you from power. This largely includes armies and arsenals from other countries, free thinkers, speakers who expose their ways… And psychedelics.
Psychedelics have an amazing capability for exposing the government for what it really is; certain people expressing who they are and what they desire. They can show you that just because someone writes something down as policy or law doesn’t mean that it should be backed with physical force and that the law should be scrutinized and seen for what it really is – a fear-based agenda of keeping a few in power.
“But, doesn’t the law keep criminals from getting their way? Doesn’t it keep us safe?” Many criminals are a result of a combination of poverty and anger/resentment. Why are people poor? Because they don’t have enough money. Why don’t they have enough money? Because their job only gives them just enough to survive, just enough to get them through till their next paycheck. Why? In some cases, it’s because the company is greedy, but in other cases, it’s because they’re bound by so many legal obligations that they couldn’t afford to pay their employees more even if they want to. Also, because the employee cannot move up or get a better job. Why? Because they weren’t taught how to do either of those two things!
Why are poor people angry/resentful? Usually, it’s because they grow up with people who are the same way. But why do they stay like this? Because no one tells them better, no one tells them that it’s a good idea to ask themselves why they’re angry and how they do everything they can to help themselves have better lives and have less resentment. And who’s responsible for teaching children the right things? The parents, but who taught the parents? The school system. And who runs the school system?
Uh-huh, you guessed it…
Ultimately, the government creates the very problem that it claims to eradicate. It’s rules, laws, regulations, and endless thirst for power (combined with negligence and ignorance) negatively affect everybody else and encourage criminals to become criminals. Then they step in and claim to cure the problem by putting them in prison, but people don’t actually learn from going to prison… They learn by taking psychedelics!
This is why the law has banned these substances, they don’t want us seeing through their charade. They don’t want us to figure it out and notice what these substances have to offer us. But my biggest fear is that you respect the law and therefore go with what they say; I request that you respect me even more, listen to what I say, and try psilocybin mushrooms for yourself with the correct intentions while alone and safe.
And besides this, the law goes out of its way to incriminate innocent people, especially people who take psychedelic substances, as I’ve mentioned before. That alone should be enough to raise an eyebrow or two.
They’re illegal and talked down upon because the higher up you are in government, generally speaking, the crazier, lazier, and more corrupt you are! Government is a corrupt system to begin with, and so climbing it requires a corrupt attitude and mindset towards… Well, everything.
What Are The Dangers?
-Fear. If you feel a lot of fear and/or you ingest with people who feel a lot of fear the experience may not be very beneficial. It can become a danger if you or somebody else panics due to the volatile effect psychedelics often give us, especially if we act on this panic instead of simply letting it pass through.
-Paranoia. As an offshoot from fear we mostly have the law to thank for this one – if we feel paranoid that we’ll get caught after ingesting we’ll probably spend most of the experience looking out for law enforcement and/or people who would turn us in. If the paranoia is strong enough it can easily lead to a panic attack and undesirable actions.
-Mental illnesses. If you have a mental illness (whether it’s surfaced or hidden) or if your family has a history of mental illness then psyches probably aren’t for you. This is especially true for schizophrenia. The reason for this is because your mental state half determines the nature of your trip… Although I’ll be honest, I’ve never taken psychedelics with schizophrenia, so I’m not sure what actually happens… However, I feel like airing on the side of caution as far as this side is concerned.
-An unideal set and setting, coming across the wrong people/wrong situations (bad influence). What tends to happen when your set (your mindset) and setting (your physical situation, things, and people) isn’t set up properly is you come across situations and mental stuff that make the experience unideal, or even dangerous. We want to avoid bad influence more than anything, which is why I always suggest being alone during these experiences. I’ve also written a post on how we can properly introduce psychedelics to modern society, and the solution greatly helps with this problem!
How We Can Use Them Most Effectively
It’s difficult to put into words just how amazing reality is after ingesting psychedelics. And it’s quite dynamic too – you can eat some psilocybin mushrooms and take a nice stroll in the woods to have the experience go one way, or you can take the same dosage and lie in a dark room with your eyes closed for a completely different experience. What helps define these experiences are the intentions you have before and during the ingestion, and your mindset/beliefs in general.
Some amazing intentions to have before taking these substances are, “I intend to learn as much as I can today.” “I intend to deeply meditate with these substances.” “I intend to heal myself.” “I intend to self-analyze and uproot my detrimental beliefs.” “I intend to form my best perspective.” “I intend to heal others.” “I intend to be.” “I intend to pay attention and see what’s really going on here.” Having these intentions really makes these experiences useful and provides the opportunity for long-lasting, positive change. I’ve observed that if we take psychedelics without these intents or similar intents the experience is shallow and doesn’t provide very much meaning.
Also, I encourage you to keep your physical environment worry and stress-free. Canceling any plans you have, not being in the company of bad people, not being in the city (I can personally attest for that one) are all great ways to improve your setting. This is almost just as important as having a great mindset.
And beyond this, if enough of us take psychedelics with these intentions (and perhaps there are better ones) we can live fulfilling lives, be able to heal ourselves and others, be influential for the right reasons/ends, act in the right ways, and tend to the earth. These are some of the major things that too many of us lack… Thankfully it’s an easy fix 🙂
So, if you’re reading this as a legal official I encourage you to take this information to heart and do your best to lift the ban and the negative influence the law has on psychedelics. But even if you don’t, that’s okay – more and more of us are waking up and taking them anyway, without your consent, without your permission… Because it’s the right thing to do 🙂
Thank you for reading, I encourage you to read some more of my content!
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