Quick Facts
-Many people find God when they say neti neti (not this, not that), and when they discover that they, themselves, are God!
-Many people believe in God, even though they’ve never seen or experienced God!
The Answer
The popularity of religion is widely spread all over the world. To some, the truth lies within the bible, with others, the Quran, with some their god(s) lie within totems and idols, and some don’t believe in anything at all.
It’s important to note that God cannot be found by searching, even by searching within yourself. Meditation, yoga, insight, self-referencing – all of these practices can be enlightening to an extent, but if one (consciously or subconsciously) practices meditation then there is most likely an underlying assumption which looks something like, “I’m not good enough and I need improvement.”
If someone has this subconscious assumption then fully realizing, accepting, and changing this assumption will bring you closer to God than the practice itself.
If God cannot be found by searching, what is to be done? Nothing, of course.
However, this is easier said than done depending on your surrounding environment – if you’re reading this then you probably have a job, some friends and family, a couple of hobbies, etc etc.
If you realize that nothing is to be done, however, you would either become depressed and nihilistic or liberated and enlightened. However, neither of these realizations are permanent; they will, sooner or later, be replaced with the question, “Am I God?” which will bring forth an answer that will bring you closer to God.
Any thoughts separate yourself from God simply because any act of separation moves one further away from God. This includes subconscious thinking which makes up most of our thought process. If one finds meaning in finding and examining their subconscious thought processes they are finding their way to God through realizing how they have separated from all that is.
God cannot be fully justified by conception, and therefore cannot be fully worshiped. If someone worships anything (whether it be a physical object, a thought, a feeling, a conception, etc) they are worshiping an idol unless they have realized that everything is connected and part of a whole. Only then can we come as close to worshiping God as humanly possible.
However, God does not need worship – it is possible to find God and then forget it ever happened. If someone finds God and forgets it ever happened they must find God through another area of their life for one reason or another. If they take the path they traversed before they will find themselves in hell.
The purest of light, the most harmonious music, the greatest of thoughts, the most wondrous sight, the most meaningful visions, the most wonderful insights, the greatest realizations, and the most aligning experiences will bring you further away from God and instead bring you into something else that is.
That is to say, we may use the word “God” as a description for a certain reality, however, there are other experiences that we don’t label with the word “God” (or perhaps, “godly,” “heavenly,” “of the lord”) and these are simply other variations of what is.
This realization (that the word “God” simply points to a certain emotional, conceptual, physical, or spiritual reality) liberates the religious man from himself, and he discovers a hidden part of himself at the same time.
And so I say this with great pleasure; God, as it seems to most, cannot be found through hearing, seeing, touching, feeling, tasting, or sense. However, when you realize this your next realization is that you are capable of doing what you thought you needed God to do.
When this is fully realized a felt harmony begins to show itself, and the felt experience surrounding the word “God” becomes a separate experience altogether, one which can be accessed at any time, and something that the religious man does not “need” to experience anymore. Peace may now be felt, and life continues as it always has!
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