Running in the rain
To catch a bus?
Not when school isn’t what it should be.
Stifling your emotion
To go to church?
Not when church isn’t what it should be.
I’m tired of it
The constant noise telling me,
“You need to go here or there. Be ashamed of yourself for not conforming to our ways.”
Why conform, when your ways lead to a place lesser than mine?
Tell me, tell me once more
What I should so
But then tell me why I should do it
Then I’ll be the judge of your reasoning
The choice will be mine, not yours
For I haven’t got time or patience for ignorance.
What have I done?
I ignored them.
I ignored their demands.
And for what? For me, or for liberty?
Certainly not for them, although I wonder if they secretly wish to be like me, or if they truly resent me.
Perhaps neither.
Tell me your ways!
Tell me why you want to be the way you are!
Aren’t you proud of yourself? Don’t you want to explain why you do what you do?
But they do not
As if I’m supposed to magically catch on…
Sometimes I can and the consequences when I can’t seem quite severe.
Fair? Not in the slightest.
But I feel as if my life is threatened when I don’t accurately predict how to act with someone who is sensitive in a detrimental way.
Help? “Only at a price,” they scream.
I sigh as I wish I could simply help with no strings attached.
Tell me, why live like this?
With money and fear?
Tell me, why live like this?
With a stunning lack of cheer?
It doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t feel right
Why not just look up at the bright starry night?
But no, to school you go, don’t miss your class!
Tell me that one more time and you’ll find I’ve got a lot of sass!
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